Worlds of Aria Closed Alpha, Friendship Games Week Post-Mortem & Updates

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Preview of the newsletter content in pictures. Official poster of the Friendship Games Week festival and funny bug reported with animals climbing on each other in the Worlds of Aria.

Worlds of Aria Closed Alpha, Friendship Games Week Post-Mortem & Updates

Hello Adventurers!
What's new?

Worlds of Aria was featured as part of #FriendshipGamesWeekFebruary 13-19, in the upcoming games category! Happy to have been part of the celebration of local multiplayer games with Ishtar Games, and got some interesting traffic on the Steam page. We earn 638 wishlists and 3 085 visits! Thanks to everyone who added Aria Worlds to their Steam wishlist!

Overview of the Steam page of Worlds of Aria with its promotion by the Friendship Games Week festival (banner and referencing).
Aria's Letter

Worlds of Aria has welcomed its first citizens! Our backers played hand in hand for a common cause: participate in the production by improving the game experience. They faced the dangers of the first scenario, but not without heroic company! **Drum roll** and the most played character during the Closed Alpha is… Camelot (aka the Merchant)!

Image of the 3 most played characters during the closed Alpha.
Bugs Area

Here’s a roundup of bugs reported in the Worlds of Aria Closed Alpha!

Some leftover fish in the middle of the throne room!

Scene with fish remains that appear in a loop.

Heroes a little too quickly released from their chains in the sacrifice scene…

All heroes are released by mistake at the beginning of the scene.

Heroes and guards disappeared in the scene of the Queen’s gardens.

All the characters disappeared in the scene of the queen's gardens, except the animals.

Thanks for reading!

Ludogram Team

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